Eliminating pain points in digital leasing and enhancing customer journey.

The multifamily customer journey has evolved to a point where technology is no longer an option – it’s the foundation for modern leasing and operations.

T H E  C H A L L E N G E

Eliminating pain points in digital leasing and enhancing customer journey

New renter pain points emerged during the industry’s rapid technology implementation and proptech boom. Venterra Realty wanted to eliminate those pain points and enhance the entire customer journey, from the initial apartment search to signing a lease and moving in.

When it comes to innovation in multifamily, Venterra Realty is at the forefront of enhancing the customer experience through technology. Venterra manages apartments in 11 major U.S. cities with more than 35,000 residents and has pursued creating a better customer experience while streamlining the apartment search process.

Most renters are looking for apartments online, and each prospect has a unique checkbox of qualities they’re looking for in a new home.

While some information, like pricing and availability, can be straightforward and easily displayed, other things like apartment views and proximity to amenities can lead to more questions than answers. Modern renters want to know what they’re getting before making a commitment, so this uncertainty has become a common pain point.

“Price isn’t the only thing renters are interested in,” said Stephanie Gonzalez, vice president of innovation at Venterra. “They may want a nice view, south-facing window, to be near the pool or on the top floor. In these instances, how do you best showcase a more complete picture of the experience of living in that community?”

In an online apartment search, prospects can’t always tell some of the nuanced differences between available apartments. Some of those details, like views and location within the community, can be enough to make or break a prospect’s decision to sign a lease. Venterra wanted to ease that uncertainty, connect the renter to the community in a better way, and build trust.

“Occupancies are tight right now,” Gonzalez said. “Very seldom are renters viewing the actual apartment they’re going to live in. How do we give our prospects more confidence to move forward with a lease?”

T H E   S O L U T I O N

Utilizing Engrain's SightMap to create a customized, visual experience

One of Venterra’s initial experiences with Engrain was during a 2018 Venterra Leadership Conference. Engrain had a booth at the conference and demonstrated SightMap, an interactive property map.

“That was my first interaction with Engrain and I was blown away with the technology. It made a lot of sense to integrate interactive mapping technology with the 55-inch touch screens we use during the touring experience, and even for hosting on our websites. SightMap really helps prospects visualize what their experience would be like upon move-in and paints a more complete picture.”

Dustin Crandall
Sales Manager
Venterra Realty

SighMap gets prospects further along the journey than they normally would be without visuals prior to a property tour. Gonzalez and Crandall found that SightMap makes that necessary connection for prospects and provides a more customized experience.

“People want specific things and SightMap really streamlines that process by narrowing their apartment search through embedded SightMap filters based on what they’re interested in and what’s important to them. People are inherently visual. Instead of telling a prospect that an apartment faces the pool, actually showing them the exact location and view on a map is a far better customer experience. It allows customers to really dial in to what they want.”

Dustin Crandall
Sales Manager
Venterra Realty

Venterra’s onsite teams utilize SightMap at the start of property tours to go over availability pricing and additional prospect wants and needs. Onsite teams leverage the map to better understand what the prospect is looking for and to craft a customized tour. SightMap helps associates eliminate the options that prospects are not interested in and prioritize what’s most important to them.

"SightMap has that ‘wow factor.’ It’s beautiful to look at, intuitive and a fun, productive resource. One of Venterra’s biggest goals is to create a really great customer experience."

Venterra also incorporates SightMap into itsself-guided tour platform and utilizes SightMap’s wayfinding technology. The “blue dot” featurein Engrain’s wayfinding technology allows prospects to see exactly where they’re at within the community. Prospects can also see the highlighted units they’re going to tour and where they are located in proximity to amenities and within the community.

"The wayfinding really enhances the customer journey because they’re getting a more comprehensive tour of the community. Not only can they navigate the property on their own, but they can see where their potential apartment might be, how far it is from parking and other key details they’ll want to know before applying.”

Dustin Crandall
Sales Manager
Venterra Realty

T H E   R E S U L T S

Redefined journey orchestration, and increased customer trust and experience

Since implementing Engrain’s SightMap, Crandall said he’s noticed the burden of uncertainty lifted from prospects and an added confidence to apply.

Partnering with Engrain and integrating SightMap technology allowed Venterra to help prospects visualize their living experience with Venterra in ways the company had not been able to convey before. This, in part, helped Venterra reduce the time it takes prospects to go from interested to financially committed by 50% on average across its portfolio.

"It can be challenging to take data and make it visually impactful and productive. Data can be difficult to read or understand. But showing rather than telling actually says a million words. SightMap really fills that gap.

Dustin Crandall
Sales Manager
Venterra Realty

“Instilling confidence plays a major role in enhancing the customer experience,” Crandall said. “SightMap has that ‘wow factor.’ It’s beautiful, intuitive, and a fun, interactive resource for both our customers and our associates. One of Venterra’s biggest goals is to create a top-rated customer experience. Utilizing SightMap within our websites, tours and customer interactions enhances our customer journey and allows us to provide a better experience while building their trust.”

SightMap is also proving to be a solution for rentable items, like parking garages and storage units. Rentable items are inherently harder to sell because prospects don’t exactly know where they’re located.

"Once prospects can view these spaces on a map, it adds more value. Our journey orchestration is much more powerful with visuals. We can see customer feedback in our surveys, so we know the interactive maps are not only advantageous, but differentiating.”

Dustin Crandall
Sales Manager
Venterra Realty

“It can be challenging to take data and make it visually impactful and productive,” Gonzalez said. “Data can be difficult to read or understand. But showing rather than telling actually says a million words. SightMap really fills that gap.”